Results for « lay off » (eng)
02402825-v (8)
V2, V3
fire, can, force out, dismiss, terminate, give the axe, give notice, sack, displace, send away, give the sack, let go, lay off, make redundant, give the elbow, give the old heave-ho, give the boot, give the chop      terminate the employment of; discharge from an office or position
02680814-v (104)
stop, cease, quit, discontinue, give up, lay off      put an end to a state or an activity
02403537-v (2)
furlough, lay off, fire, dismiss, terminate, give the axe, let go, sack, make redundant, give the elbow, give the old heave-ho, give the boot, give the chop      dismiss, usually for economic reasons
00229814-n (2)
layoff      the act of laying off an employee or a work force


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